Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Writing Update/ Public Schools Essay

I spent at least an hour writing and developing a story yesterday. I can't post it here yet since it is far from complete. It might actually end up turning into a novella (or at least a very long story). I will post something here though that I wrote a couple of years ago. Some of you have already seen this. Just a little disclaimer lest anyone take offense—I am a product of the public school system, so this is obviously an exaggeration. Even though my own children are home schooled, and I believe that one-on-one teaching from an educated and loving parent provides a superior education, I don't believe that it is for everyone, and I do believe that some of the best and the brightest minds come out of the public school system. That being said, I hope you enjoy this. 

In Defence of Publik Skools 

In resent decades there has been a lot of debate about the quality of ejucation that our children are recieving in publik skools. Many peeple think that the solooshun is to send there children to a private skool or even (heven forbid) to teach them theirselves at home. I think that they are wrong about this and they’re are many things that show that the publik ejucashun sistem is still number won. Probly the best argument for pubik skools is the crazy hi number of peeple that still send there kids their. Their’s something like 50 millyun kids going to public skools versis only like 7 millyun in ether private skools or homeskools (Ruesch). Its obviously much more popular, so it must be beter, rite? In addishun to this, a lot more kids grajuate frum publik skools then the alternutiv. Last year, their were something like 3 million high school graduates frum publik skools, to only like 500,000 frum private and home-based skools (Ruesch). Once agane, bigger numbers equal better skools. Aint I rite? I got won more statistic for you. More kids go on to college from public schools. Last yeer their were somewhere in the visinaty of 2 milion publik skool grajuates that went on to colluj to somewere around 450,000 private and home-skooled kids that went on to colluj (Ruesch). That’s some big diferensus. As if all of this weren’t enuf, we’ve gotta consider the danjerus effects of private and home skooling. In many of these institooshuns, they are learning the kids very danjerus relijus beliefs. This can lead to even mor divercity in the American populashun and terrorist activity. We must, at all costs, standardize what kids learn so they don’t grow up to be danjers to sosiety and thereselves. In kontrast to the danjerus relijus beliefs tot in private and home skools, there are many things that kids can learn in public skools that isn’t even part of the curriculum. They get to be exposed to things that will help them to machure and grow up much more quick. We as parents don’t even hafta teach um many of these things sinse they get so much exposure in skool. They will see and learn about lots and lots of things like these: 1. Violence 3. Drugs, alcohol, and tobacco 2. Seks 4. Cheeting and disonesty 5. unrespect for uthority figures. 6. soshil organizashun (i.e, bullys on top, wimps on the bottom) 8. importuns of pleezing yor frends and looking kool to them (lets fase it, its much mor importunt then doing wat you think is rite) With exposure to such things that are treshured so much that we see them on the t.v. 24/7, our kids will be well prepared to go out into the world. An other thing that’s grate about public skools is there overall effishunsy. They have one teacher teaching like thirty or forty kids. In private skools, they can only handle like fifteen or maybe twenty and in home skools, they have sumtimes as little as one student. What a waste of manpower! They would get fired for such ineffishunsy in public skools. And even with all them students in public skool classrooms, they don’t leave no one behind. To me, that is an amazing feet. If won of the students is falling behind, the hole class stays behind until he or she can cach up. What a noble idea. Now, I feel that Ive made a pretty dang good argument already, but if you need more convinsing, just look at me. I was ejucated in public skools, and you gotta admit that I’m doin pretty dang good. They learned me all three of the R’s in skool. Reading, riting, and . . . um, well I don’t remember what the other one is, but it must not be to important. Anyway, iregardless of wat u think, that’s all I got to say. Works Sited Ruesch, Ronny. “Out of Thin Air.” (2008) Ruesch Publishing. Hurricane, UT.

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